International Child Abduction

New York City International Child Abduction Lawyers

Preventing the stress and uncertainty of an international child abduction incident begins with securing your child’s safety at home with the help of a New York City international child abduction lawyer. International child abduction is one of the most daunting matters dealt with under the family law and, unfortunately, a very real situation for some families. A trusted international child abduction attorney at a New York family law firm can provide the guidance, representation, and support that you need to fully protect your children against the possibility of international abduction.

Wrongful removal of a child from his or her home across international borders is addressed in the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.

The Hague Abduction Convention is a treaty that focuses primarily on:

  • International Protection of Children
  • International Child Support
  • International Protection of Adults
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Promoting the Hague Convention’s Mission & Objectives

The Hague Convention’s goal is to ensure the prompt return of a child to their proper residence if they are wrongly removed from their home. The Convention applies to children under the age of 16 and seeks to preserve the status quo by returning abductees to their habitual residence in accordance with their custody agreement. The laws established by the Hague Convention provide guidelines for international cooperation on issues related to child custody and the protection of children.
Whether you are facing what you believe may be an child international abduction case or are concerned that your ex-spouse may make a rash decision in the near future at the expense of your child’s wellbeing, do not hesitate to seek advice from an international child abduction attorney. The attorneys at the New York law firm of Miller Zeiderman LLP have a combined legal experience of over 100 years and are proficient in practicing all family law matters, including child-related issues such as parent and child relocationchild custody, and child support.

Lawyers Preventing & Resolving International Child Abduction

If you are concerned about a possible custody matter with an ex-spouse that may lead to abduction, contact our New York City international child abduction lawyers as soon as possible. It’s important to understand your rights as a parent and those of your children, and to help your attorney learn everything about the circumstances surrounding your case and custody arrangement.
Contact Miller Zeiderman LLP for a consultation today. We service Putnam County, Orange County, Rockland County, Westchester County, White Plains, New York City, Manhattan, and the Lower Hudson Valley.