Domestic Violence (Orders of Protection)

Trusted New York Domestic Violence Attorneys

There are few occurrences more devastating for a family than domestic violence. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence estimates that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men experience domestic violence in their lifetime and every year more than 3 million children witness domestic violence in their home. The practiced Rockland County NY family law attorneys at Miller Zeiderman LLP treat matters of domestic violence with the sensitivity, discretion, and honesty they deserve.
In New York State, domestic violence is not an act necessarily perpetrated by a spouse. As defined by the American Bar Association, domestic violence is a crime inflicted on any adult intimate partner, whether a spouse, a girlfriend or boyfriend, or a same-sex partner. If you have been the victim of domestic violence, call the police as soon as possible. Then take the next step to protecting yourself by seeking the counsel of an attorney from the law office of Miller Zeiderman LLP.
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Thoughtful Consideration of Domestic Violence Issues

Domestic violence not only refers to physical acts such as hitting, shoving, and slapping, but also encompasses other types of non-physical abuse. Domestic violence can involve reoccurring tactics, such as:
  • Psychological Abuse
  • Threat of Physical Abuse
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Economic Abuse
  • Emotional Abuse
Perpetrators of domestic violence usually engage in abusive behavior in an attempt to establish control and maintain power over their victim. New York State law permits domestic violence cases to be considered concurrently in family and criminal court, unless the alleged victim makes a special request that the case be deliberated in family court only.
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Orders of Protection & Moving Toward Recovery

The first step in resolving a domestic violence dispute after calling the police is to file for an order of protection, which serves to limit the behavior of the person who perpetrated the abuse. Our Rockland County NY domestic violence attorneys will help you at every step of the way. The attentiveness with which we handle each individual case ensures that you are protected to the limits of the law and that your case is resolved as quickly and safely as possible.
You are not alone. Do not face the difficulties of domestic violence on your own or without legal protection. Contact an experienced New York domestic violence attorney at the law office of Miller Zeiderman LLP for a consultation today. We practice family law in Westchester County, New York City, White Plains, Putnam County, Orange County, Rockland County, and the Lower Hudson Valley and can help you obtain a Rockland County NY Order of Protection.